About Us

About Foodmark

Foodmark is a multivendor marketplace for the buying and selling of food produce. It is designed to promote sustainable farming methods by creating an easy hassle-free way for farmers, artisans and related participants to sell their products. Foodmark.ng empowers farmers and food producers to connect with potential buyers and enjoy better local support. With an online marketplace like Foodmark, farmers can sell their products directly to buyers without having to go through a middleman.

We are on a mission to propel community-driven production and supply of food. We aim to facilitate better access to the freshest of healthy foods, improved economic outcomes for local food producers and their communities, and a secure supply of food irrespective of unforeseen interruptions along the traditional food distribution chain whether now or in the future.

All participating farms and producers vary in size and specialty, but all carry the common thread of dedication to community, environment, health and education.

Benefits to The Farmer/Producer

  • No fixed monthly fees (10% commission per order).
  • No minimum output contracts. You only sell what you have when you have it. This promotes seasonal, natural farming practices.
  • Sell directly to customers nearby, eliminating many layers of middleman retailer fees allowing you to sell your products at lower prices than retailers and drive increased sales.
  • Gain increased publicity for your produce and use this to drive sales.
  • Opportunity to promote your store on the front page of the website

Benefit to the Buyer

  • Fresher products that have not been exposed to the general public in a retail environment.
  • Larger selection than would be possible for any single farm.
  • You can enjoy convenient ordering from the comfort of your home.
  • Your order is delivered at your preferred location.

Shopping is more convenient, and different products can be found  in one place instead of having to go to different stores. It also means spending less money that they would, if they had to buy these products in stores because they don’t have to pay the fees that retail stores charge.

Why Shop on Foodmark

  • Enhance local economy: By purchasing produce and other items from local growers you are providing stability to your local economy through the support of local businesses
  • Save natural resources: Buying locally makes you an invaluable link in the process of saving resources such as fossil fuels and packaging materials. Also, we are right here in your community so the expense of transportation and delivery is kept to a minimum.
  • Supporting a way of life: The number of small farms in the have has decreased dramatically in the last decade. Please help us preserve an honest and worthy means of making a living

How it Works

Foodmark exists to promote sustainable farming methods by creating an easy hassle-free way for farmers and related businesses to sell their products.

Register Now!

Vendors submit an online registration form summarizing their basic information. Additional information as company registration document and Owner ID document may be require for further verification of the business and directors.

Setup Shipping

All shipping is handled by the vendor and can be configured in minutes from the vendor dashboard. Please note that we will be there with you all the way and our team will always be ready to helping you grow.

Submission Review

We review the application to ensure it is in line with our operating standards. A successful application grants the vendor access to their own vendor dashboard from which he/she manages all aspects of their new online store

Secure Payment

Payment by the customer is handled by Payfast secure online gateway. Foodmark withholds 10% commission on the value of all products sold on this platform. However, we do not withhold any commission on shipping charges.

Start Selling

After uploading a couple of pictures and any other relevant information products can easily be created and published as for sale. Our friendly team now begin to walk the journey with you are proud of your business.

Receive Payments

All shipping, taxes (VAT) and the balance of the payment (90%) for the products sold is transferred to the vendor on the 1st Monday of each month. Vendors will be paid 100% of all shipping costs collected through our platform.

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