Buyer FAQ

Shipping Information

You can view the seller’s storefront at the bottom of each product. Check out other people’s reviews, go to the seller’s social media pages, or contact the seller directly.

Shipping, drop-off, and pick-up times vary depending on the seller/product. Check the seller’s page for dispatch times, or contact them directly. Before making a purchase, check with the seller to see if they are available.

Some sellers will include a ‘chat now’ button next to their products. For chat, please check their store hours. Alternatively, you can send them an enquiry by using the support button on their storefront.

You can choose to ‘follow’ the seller on their storefront. This will allow you to mark sellers who are of interest to you. You will also get notifications from sellers you follow.

You can filter search products by category in your local area, amend the radius as required. Alternatively, you can view the sellers locations on their storefront.

All orders should be listed under ‘orders’ in your customer dashboard. Check your inbox, particularly your spam folders. If you haven’t received confirmation within 24 hours of making a purchase, contact customer service or the seller.

We accept credit/debit card payments, which are processed securely by PayFast Payment Gateway. You can also use PayFast to pay. If you pay the seller directly, we will be unable to assist you with a refund.

Add shipping and billing information in your account dashboard by selecting ‘addresses’ from the left-hand menu.

If you haven’t received your order, please contact the seller right away. Contact support if you are having trouble contacting them. If you do not receive your order, we will be able to process a refund for you.

Contact the seller; they may be able to provide you with an extra item. Each seller has their own policy regarding returns and refunds. Freshtraters marketplace only  acts as a mediator for orders that have not been delivered.

Yes, most definitely. Choose the “wholesale” option on your client dashboard. Your request will be forwarded to admin for review. We might need more information from you. Please take note that not all merchants provide wholesale; once approved, you will be able to see this on specific product pages.

To leave a review, you must be signed in and have made a purchase. You can do this by clicking the review option on the sellers page.

What is Foodmark all about?

Foodmark is a multivendor marketplace for the buying and selling of food produce. It is designed to promote sustainable farming methods by creating an easy hassle-free way for farmers, artisans and related participants to sell their products.
Buyer Places Order
You can purchase food-related goods in your neighborhood from reputable dealers.
Buyer Pays The Food Lovers Marketplace
Buyers pay the Marketplace for their order through a secure checkout. For security, the payment is kept in an escrow account.
Vendor confirms order
Order notification and confirmation are sent to the vendor, who then starts preparing the desired items.
Reliable Delivery
Depending on the delivery option selected by the customers and the vendor, the order is sent out or picked up.
Foodmark pays seller afterwards
Foodmark marketplace transfers the cash to the vendor once the order status has been changed to ``finished.``
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